

    We want farmers and people engaged in the agri and food production system to be able to earn a decent income and be resilient to external shocks.

    The vast majority of our farmer network are smallholders, with land of just one or two hectares. 再加上变幻莫测的天气, 基础设施和全球市场定价, 他们中的许多人在成功和失败之间徘徊, 几乎没有适应能力, 更不用说成长了.

    大规模的农民, 比如推荐几个足彩外围app在美国向他们采购洋葱和大蒜, or cotton in 澳大利亚 also face challenges regarding climate change, 水安全和生产成本.


    Reducing living income gaps of farmer households is critical to farmer livelihoods and to supply-chain sustainability. Creating economic opportunity for farming communities has many interdependencies and benefits. 阅读推荐几个足彩外围app去年的一些活动, and our performance against the goals we have set our business in our most recent annual report.


    We continue to review our own operations and supply chain, to make positive changes. 然而,推荐几个足彩外围app无法单独完成所需的更改级别. We are active in a number of sector-wide initiatives and are collaborating with customers to help them mitigate their environmental impacts.

    We acknowledge that alone we can’t make the scale of change at the speed we would like. Here are some examples of organisation we partner with to achieve greater impact in this area.

    Some of the initiatives we maintain to engage our farming network and increase their economic opportunities include:

    • Training on good agricultural practices and extension services for crop, fish and poultry famers
    • Access to finance, agri-inputs, climate-resilient seeds, and labour-saving tools and equipment
    • Business management training and support for farmer collectives and cooperatives
    • Access to market information systems and agronomy advice to help farmers increase their yield, 并通过推荐几个足彩外围app的专有应用程序进入市场.





    推荐买球平台’s ambition to improve smallholder farmer livelihoods can’t be fully achieved without addressing gender equality.


    代表“生计”, 大规模教育与自然”, LENS为推荐买球平台咖啡设定了2025年的第一个正式可持续发展目标.
